This thematic group provides a global platform to explore how ICTs are helping cities to be more sustainable, intelligent, and how city platforms can be the central technological element of this evolution.
This thematic group touches on the various facets of city platforms, including IT solutions, smart energy management for health, interoperability of city architecture and digital and sustainable tourism.
Co-leaders: Ramon Ferri, Ernesto Faubel (City of Valencia) and Daniel Vega Díaz (FEMP)
Thematic group on city platforms consists of 7 Working Groups (WGs):
Data and APIs in Smart City Platforms
Leader: Leonidas Anthopoulos (Greece)
Publication: Data and API requirements for centralized smart city platforms
Smart Destination Platforms
Co-leaders: Sandra Carvao (UN Tourism) and Ezequiel García (SEGITTUR)
IT Solutions for integrated cities management & Use Cases
Leader: Ramon Ferri (City of Valencia)
Smart Public Health Emergency Management
Leader: Leonidas Anthopoulos (Greece)
Smart City Platforms- Transitioning to a new architecture
Co-leaders: Martin Brynskov and Michael Mulquin (OASC)
Tourism, Health and Resilience Management from the perspective of a Smart City Platform
Leader: Alberto Bernal (Indra/Minsait)
Reference framework for an integrated management of a smart sustainable city
Leader: Ramon Ferri (City of Valencia)
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List of upcoming e-meetings